Country Manager Advocacy and Influencing at Plan International
- Company: Plan International
- Location: Uganda
- State: Kampala, UG
- Job type: Full-Time
- Job category: Administrative Jobs in Uganda
Job Description
The Organisation
Plan International is an independent development and humanitarian organisation that advances children’s rights and equality for girls.
We believe in the power and potential of every child. But this is often suppressed by poverty, violence, exclusion and discrimination. And it’s girls who are most affected.
Working together with children, young people, our supporters and partners, we strive for a just world, tackling the root causes of the challenges facing girls and all vulnerable children.
We support children’s rights from birth until they reach adulthood. And we enable children to prepare for – and respond to – crises and adversity. We drive changes in practice and policy at local, national and global levels using our reach, experience and knowledge.
We have been building powerful partnerships for children for over 80 years, and are now active in more than 70 countries
The Advocacy and Influencing Manager is responsible for leading the implementation of Plan International Uganda Advocacy Strategy and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Implementation Plan by taking an integrated approach to policy change and influencing with a strong link to campaigning and communications. The position ensures excellence in Plan’s public and private advocacy in full alignment with the Country Strategy and Plan Global Programme Strategy. S/he works with National Programme Managers, Project Managers and Coordinators to develop key advocacy messages, defining effective tactics and strategic partnerships, leveraging our influencing strength to mobilise support and raise awareness in Uganda and also externally with donors and the whole Plan International’s federation.
This position is part of the Country Programme Team and partners to align project activities to national advocacy demands, ensuring that advocacy is research and evidence based. S/he advices CMT on developing position papers and establishing strategic partnerships.
Dimensions of the Role
• Strategic planning and delivery – this position is in charge of developing, implementing and updating the Advocacy Strategy and the SDG Influencing Plan to ensure its relevance to the Country Strategy, the Global Strategy and the operating context.
• Advocacy and Influencing – the post holder maintains regular and structured communication with key stakeholders (government, CSOs, private sector), staff at local, district, national, regional and international levels. It has a strong external dimension by representing Plan International at national and international level, aligning projects to the Advocacy Strategy and the SDG influencing plan. Identify major gaps between policy and practice.
• Staff Management – this position does not have direct staff to be supervised, but it may have dotted lines to those specific project positions that are directly responsible for implementing advocacy activities.
• Budgets/Assets – the post-holder manages the budget at Country Office on advocacy and advises programme team at national and Programme Unit (PU) level on project budget allocation.
• Risk management – the post is responsible for managing and mitigating all risks related to advocacy and influencing in close collaboration with the Risk Manager.
• Partnership Management – mapping and meeting potential partners, collaborators and networks; support their capacity building process and manage relationship building in collaboration with the Partnership Support Coordinator.
• Reach/Breadth of the post – the position is mainly at national and local levels, with strong interaction at Programme Unit level, as well as occasional regional and international relationships and requires interpersonal professional working relationships with children, parents/guardians, community leaders, local/national organizations, media, donors, government officials, other stakeholders (both state and non-state actors) and other professionals. .
Strategic Leadership:
• Lead and manage the design and implementation of the Advocacy Strategy in coordination with staff and partners, by taking an integrated approach to policy change and influencing. Reviews and updates the Advocacy Strategy and the SDG Influencing Plan as appropriate in response to the evolving context and programme design.
• Ensure strong linkages between Advocacy, Communications and Programmes so that advocacy is evidence based and programme driven and that projects are enhanced through advocacy.
• Advise the Country Management Team on key advocacy issues, such as developing position papers, managing potential communication risks and leading on a range of cross-organisational priorities and strategies.
• Create relationships, systems and pathways to ensure that our advocacy work is well integrated into the organisation at all levels so that we can fully realise our potential for campaigning, quality learning and impact reporting.
• Build strategic partnerships with organisations and key stakeholders that will assist Plan International in meeting its policy agenda outcomes.
Advocacy and Influence:
• Develop and ensure implementation of the Advocacy Strategy and the SDG Influencing Plan International, in coordination with the Programme team at CO and PUs and partners, as well as engaging Plan International wider federation.
• Strategically plan and implement stakeholder engagement and develop relationships to increase Plan International’s profile amongst target, influential audiences and reach policy makers.
• Ensure Plan is always well informed of changes in the policy landscape through regular intel gathering, liaising with key UN, Government, NGOs and other interlocutors in the country so that Programmes are fully informed and addressing policy gaps.
• Define key advocacy opportunities, targets and tactics at district and national levels and align programme and project design to these targets.
• Lead the development of advocacy plans with objectives and operational plans to deliver Plan’s strategies.
• Work in partnership with the Communications Manager to ensure advocacy engagement is accurately reflected in external communications and that advocacy messages are adapted and communicated to various stakeholders.
Research, Policy Development and UN reporting
• Lead the development of clear and consistent advocacy messages, ensuring that all advocacy messages, documents and strategies are evidence-based, drawn from field experience and assessments, of high quality and effective.
• Lead the development of high quality analysis, policy briefing, recommendations and positions relation to Plan’s advocacy and policy priorities.
• Identify research opportunities working with the MER Manager and Programme team to strengthen Plan’s influencing work and ensure that its evidence based.
• Lead the proactive involvement of Plan in key UN human rights mechanisms processes, especially on CRC and CEDAW.
• Engage with UN agencies and key human rights stakeholders on strategic partnerships and close working relations to ensure Plan’s active involvement.
Staff Support, Mentorship, and Development
• Provide high quality line management and development for talented staff, building a strong team and embedding robust planning, implementation reporting and evaluation processes into our advocacy and influencing work. Manage consultants when required.
• Support the Advocacy team; define expectations, provide leadership and technical support as needed, and evaluate direct reports regularly.
• Ensure the recruitment, training, and promotion of staff is appropriate and ensure availability of appropriate professional development opportunities for staff.
Dealing with Problems:
• This position is critical and very strategic, dealing with diverse demands and pressure from different parts of the organisation to often tight deadlines: Country Office, Programme Units, Regional Office, National Office and International Headquarters as well as key stakeholders and partners.
• The ability to prioritize and maintain focus while still demonstrating high levels of customer orientation are thus key for this position.
• Partnership building and management, as well as capacity development of partners.
• Maintaining an active profile for Plan International while ensuring strong management of potential media and public advocacy risks.
Key relationships
• Communicates with tact, diplomacy and maintains professional working relationships at all times.
• Close collaboration and interdependence with the Programme Team and Resource Mobilization Unit at CO level and other support departments (Finance, Admin, Risk Management, HR, Sponsorship)
• Regular working relationship with PU teams.
• Local, national and international Media houses, Civil Society Organizations, Government institutions and UN agencies to ensure Plan’s work is well linked to other initiatives.
• Plan International Federation: other COs, Regional Offices, National Offices and IH.
• Superior communication and writing skills with the ability to translate complex issues into a level appropriate for the general population and policy makers.
• Strong analytical, negotiation and problem solving skills.
• Ability to communicate orally and in writing with a variety of audiences, including community advocates, service providers, members of the public and local officials
• Excellent planning, management and coordination skills with the ability to organise a substantial workload comprised of complex, diverse tasks and responsibilities.
• Excellent representation and interpersonal skills and the ability to work with people from diverse cultures, ability to lead and motivate people to work in teams.
• Partnership building and management, working through partners.
• Skilled in the use of computer software.
• Skills in working with children and facilitating child participation is desired.
Technical expertise, skills and knowledge
• A degree in law, international relations, politics or social science. Masters in Human Rights desired.
• At least 5 year’s professional experience working to influence human rights laws, policies and institutions, preferably with NGOs, intergovernmental organisation or governments.
• Experience of influencing and advocacy work including lobbying, policy development and information provision in humanitarian issues.
• Experience in networking and coordination, planning and implementing campaigns and events that drive influence and stakeholder engagement.
• Excellent skills in advocating towards government officials and understanding of UN and donor operations at country level, including UN human rights reporting mechanisms.
• Proven experience to develop and implement advocacy strategies.
• Demonstrable leadership within a networked environment.
Method of Application
Submit your CV and Application on Company Website : Click Here
Closing Date : 7 August, 2020