Communications, Documentation, Knowledge Management, and Partnerships Specialist at TASO Uganda
- Company: TASO Uganda
- Location: Uganda
- State: Uganda
- Job type: Full-Time
- Job category: NGO Jobs in Uganda
Job Description
The AIDS Support Organization (TASO Uganda), was founded to contribute to a process of preventing HIV infection, restoring hope and improving the quality of life of persons, families and communities affected by HIV infection and disease. TASO was given a 5-year Transition Award by USAID (Cooperative Agreement: #72061720CA00014) effective August 12, 2020 ending August 11, August 2025 to implement the USAID Local Partner Health Services-Ankole Project (USAID LPS- Ankole) in the 12 districts of Ankole sub-region, South Western Uganda. USAID intends to expand the TASO-Ankole implementing mechanism to the 8 districts in Acholi sub-region effective October 1, 2021, but starting with Pader district effective July 1, 2021. The Ankole and Acholi sub-regions of South Western and Northern Uganda, respectively consist of 20 USAID-supported districts including: Buhweju, Bushenyi, Ibanda, Isingiro, Kazo, Kiruhura, Mbarara, Mitooma, Ntungamo, Rubirizi, Rwampara and Sheema in Ankole Sub-Region; Agago, Amuru, Gulu, Kitgum, Lamwo, Nwoya, Omoro and Pader in Acholi sub-region; as well as their Cities and Municipalities.
The project’s overarching goal is to support the achievement of the Government of Uganda and PEPF AR goals of reaching and maintaining HIV epidemic control by 2020 and ending AIDS by 2030. The project is expected to support continued implementation of a district-based integrated package of quality HIV IAIDS and TB services in the public health sector to contribute towards attainment and sustenance of epidemic control; provide comprehensive technical support through training, coaching and mentorship to targeted public health facilities to enhance the delivery of quality HIV and TB services at facility and community level and position them to sustain epidemic control. In pursuit of such intentions, TASO requires the services of dedicated, competent, innovative and result-oriented individuals for employment on a contract basis for the posts below;
Job Title: REF: TS/HR/ADVC/02: Communications, Documentation, Knowledge
Management, and Partnerships Specialist
Classification: Contract, Full time
Reports to: Project Director
Salary: Commensurate with training and experience
Duty Station: USAID Local Partner Health Services-Acholi Project (GuIu Regional Office)
Directly Supervises: None
Main Purpose of the Job:
To carry out appropriate documentation, communication, branding, and knowledge management, learning, and adaptation activities of TASO Acholi’s work and to maintain good relations with the public so as to promote TASO’s Mission, values, practices and image.
Key Output
• Communication and Documentation strategy developed, implemented and evaluated
• TASO publications, media and visibility managed
• TASO events coordinated
• Abstracts and manuscripts generated and published in peer reviewed journals
• Generating reviewing and disserminating products such as case studies
• Reports and success stories prepared and submitted on time
• Technical support to project teams to initiate and maintain knowledge management practices provided.
• Knowledge management, learning and adaptation managed.
• Mechanisms to share best practices within public sector and between public and private sector developed.
• Targeted capacity building for DHTs and LPS-Acholi staff provided. Building capacity of project staff on knowledge management, learning and adaptation.
Key Duties and Responsibilities
• Branding and Marking
• Develop and implement a communication and branding strategy to promote T ASO mission, visibility, consistency and a positive image.
• Develop periodic reviews of TASO branding and marking tools and guidelines in conformity with the implementing partner institutions.
• Develop and distribute project branding and IEC materials.
• Monitor the media and public opinion to ensure projection and protection of the project’s image and reputation.
• Create and maintain a positive relationship between TASO and the public.
Information Dissemination
• Generate quarterly reports on advocacy and public relations, newsletters, speeches, media releases and fact sheets.
• Manage internal communications output.
• Develop and disseminate TASO branding and promotional IEC materials including newsletters, brochures, information booklets, calendars, T- shirts etc.
• Create TASO literature and promotional materials, both print and electronic. S. Re-package research findings for sharing with the general public.
• Ensure the abstracts and manuscripts generated by the knowledge management team are published in peer-reviewed journals.
Media Engagement
Mainstream Mass Media
• Provide the media with information about USAID Local Partner Health Services-Ankole & Acholi Activity in Acholi sub-region and its mandate through; Media articles, press releases, and news articles.
• Liaise with the print and electronic media to organize announcements, radio and TV talk shows, press conferences and to provide coverage on TASO work for the general public.
• Draft and send press releases that contain important updates about USAID Local Partner
• Health Services-Ankole & Acholi Project to print and broadcast media outlets.
Social Media
• Develop and manage the Project Website and social media networks*Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp).
• Model TASO work through e-channels including; TASO website, social media, print and electronic media, list serve group.
• Publish HIV / AIDS videos and photography on T ASO website and blog.
Events and Campaigns Management
• Effectively coordinate key project events; advocacy program workshops, HIV / AIDS and TB campaigns.
• Design and launch electronic HIV and TB prevention campaigns.
• Plan, coordinate and execute TASO events and activities that promote.
• TASO’s Vision, Mission, and Values.
Knowledge Management
• Lead knowledge management, learning, and adaptation activities.
• Generate, review and disseminate knowledge management and learning products such as best practices/change package, case studies, success stories, blogs, abstracts, manuscripts etc., while ensuring that all materials are produced in audience-specific formats.
• Advise on the development and production of websites, intranets, videos, social media strategies and messages, international meetings, conference posters and presentations, press releases, project reports, technical briefs, success stories, and other events and materials.
• Develop mechanisms for sharing knowledge among project staff and with local stakeholders.
• Conduct targeted capacity building for DHTs and LPS-Acholi staff to initiate and maintain knowledge management, learning and adaptation practices.
• Conduct a formative assessment and stakeholder network analysis (identify current stakeholder structure, identify collaboration points, bridges, community leaders) to inform development of knowledge management/Continuous Learning, and Adapting Plan.
• Conduct semi-annual reflections on performance against the work plan.
• Aid the project team in developing and maintaining strategic documentation, communication, and dissemination plans to meet project goals and reach key stakeholders.
• Develop mechanisms to share best practices within public sector and between public and private sector.
• Promote and facilitate communities of practice in key technical areas throughout the
• USAID Local Partner Health Services-Ankole & Acholi Activity.
• Serve as part of the corporate knowledge management working group to develop and implement T ASO-wide knowledge management strategies that foster organizational learning and growth.
• Liaise with the global health knowledge community outside ofTASO.
Person Specification:
Communications, Documentation, Knowledge Management and
Partnerships Specialist
Minimum Academic Qualifications:
Bachelor’s degree in Mass Communication, Journalism, Library and Information Science, Media Relations or a related discipline. A Masters’ degree will be an added advantage.
Minimum Experience and Exposure
At least 4 years’ experience in communications public relations, documentation, advocacy, knowledge management, learning and adapting work.
Key kills
• Training in Health communication and public relations
• Training in web design, training in advocacy and lobbying
• Training in graphics design and events management
• Training in brand communication
• Training in documentation and media planning
• Training in knowledge management
Other qualities/ Attributes
Integrity, Emotional control, confidentiality and team work
Only qualified candidates who meet all the above requirements are invited to submit their resume, copies of certified academic certificates, testimonials and three referees, two of who should be the present employer I immediate supervisor or last employer if unemployed, or any other if it is the first employment being applied for. None of the referees should be a relative, friend or business associate. All referees’ designations should be stated and contact details included i.e. physical address, telephone I mobile numbers and email contacts.
All interested Candidates MUST fully fill the TASO Online Job Application Form, scan and save all the relevant documents as one document (labeled with candidate’s full names) and forward only online applications with the relevant credentials to:
Please visit the TASO Website at to access the detailed job advert. Also note that only applications received online shall be considered.
Closing Date: December 13, 2021 at 04:30pm
While TASO appreciates all the interested applicants, only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interviews. In case you do not hear from TASO Uganda One (01) month after the closing date, please consider yourself unsuccessful.