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11 Dec 2021

Gender Analysis, Menstrual Health & SRHR Services at Welthungerhilfe

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Job Description

Career Category: Program/Project Management
Years of experience: 5-9 years
Welthungerhilfe e.V. was founded in 1962 and is today one of the largest, German non-governmental international aid agencies. The organisation follows a vision of a world in which all people can exercise their right to a self-determined life in dignity, and justice, free from hunger and poverty. Welthungerhilfe’s fundamental principle is help for self-help and aims at strengthening structures from the bottom up.

The Ugandan country program is engaged in Food and Nutrition Security, WASH and Skills Development for the Youth in the emergency and development context.
The Country Office is located in Kampala with Field Offices in Moroto, Arua, Yumbe, Katakwi, Amuria and Fort Portal for a total of approx. 180 staff. Welthungerhilfe will implement a 3 year project in the area of Gender Equality, Menstrual Health Management and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights together with the partner organisations Kiyita Family Alliance for Development (KIFAD) and Straight Talk Foundation to gain funding from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) under the funding title Private Agencies. Gender inequality in Uganda is prevalent at multiple levels and has far-reaching implications for food security, sexual reproductive health and rights, education and ultimately economic development. It is one of the predominant constraining factors to sustainably overcoming hunger and extreme poverty in our working context. Limited access to education is in comparison significantly higher among girls:

The proportion of girls who are forced to leave school without completing their education is at 56.9%. The average age of marriage is at 18.7 years, the teenage pregnancy rate in Uganda is with 25% one of the highest in Southern Africa. Further, there is a strong stigma attached to menstruation for girls and women, and access to dignified menstrual hygiene products and MHM education is non-existent in many places. Many girls stay away from school during their menstruation, girls and women are often excluded from daily social life as menstruation is regarded as something “shameful” and “dirty”. Gender inequality and power disparities have a significant impact on economic development and the nutrition status of children; Whereas women are the key persons regarding household food and nutrition security, agriculture production and economic development, only 28% of agricultural land is owned by women. Only 60% of women have influence over the use of household income, 10% of women have no control at all over their own income. Domestic and sexual violence is widespread and to a large extend socially accepted.

Above-mentioned gender disparities and unequal power relations at the household and societal levels are significantly exacerbated by the COVID-19 crisis: The closure of schools over a period of almost one year resulted in an increase of child marriages and early pregnancies. Women and girls are confronted with an immense increase of household workload. Movement restrictions and economic pressure on households have additionally limited access to menstrual health products and health care. It is further evident, that cases of GBV have immensely increased since the COVID-19 crisis, while access to protection systems has been limited

1. Context and objectives of this order
The project aims at increased gender equality and economic empowerment of women and girls as well as improved menstrual health and SRHR services and products for women and girls in the targeted communities in the regions of Karamoja (Moroto, Napak) and Teso (Amuria, Katakwi).
Project objective: Improved livelihoods, increased uptake of quality MH, SRHR and PSEAH services and participation of 3,600 women and girls in decision-making processes.
Result 1: Gender transformative attitudes, practices and processes in the target communities are promoted.
Result 2: At least 3,000 women and girls have increased access to quality MH, SRHR and PSEAH services for women and girls in the target communities.
Result 3: At least 400 women in targeted communities have improved incomes.
Result 4: Demands from the district-level dialogue platforms are addressed in multi-stakeholder forums at the national level.
The project will be implemented through the Ugandan non-government organisations Straight Talk Foundation and Kiyita Family Alliance for Development (KIFAD), with support of Welthungerhilfe Uganda.

The target group are 3.600 women and girls and 1.280 men from 40 target communities in Teso und Karamoja, 20 teachers, 20 health workers, 104 community-based coaches, 80 peer-educators/ mentors as well as approx. 100 political decision makers on District- and Sub-County level. Part of the direct target group are participants from ongoing Welthungerhilfe projects in the target regions who haven’t benefitted from gender transformation, SRHR and MHM interventions. Among the targeted women are members of Farmer Field Schools and VSLA, Community Health Clubs and WASH Clubs.

Measures to achieve the results are outlined in Annex 1.
In order to inform implementation in the project regions, Welthungerhilfe has decided to commission a gender analysis.

The gender analysis should provide detailed information on the following key areas:
• Analysis of policy context in Uganda in regard to gender equality
• Gender roles, power structures and genderrelated norms, believes and practices on community and household level
• Women’s (vs. men’s) participation in decision making on household and community level (d) Women’s (vs. men’s) access to and use of menstrual health and SRHR services and products (e) Women’s (vs. men’s) access to health care, education, and economic opportunities
• Barriers to equal gender relations on household and community level
• Barriers and constraints to enable rural Women and men to have equal opportunity to make informed choices about their reproduction, participate in, and benefit from opportunities for education, health and labour force
• Women’s access to and control over economic resources
• Women’s nutrition (with special focus on barriers and gender related food taboos)
• Identification of gender biases and capacity development needs of WHH and partner organizations’ staff regarding gender responsive i.e. transformative programming in the project regions Teso and Karamoja
• Mapping and analysis of relevant stakeholders (governmental representatives, institutions and civil society actors) in the target regions and on national level
• Identify relevant supportive structures and barriers for project implementation

2. Process, activities and outputs of the appraisal mission
The following activities are part of the assignment:
Desk review of project documents
o Review available background data and documents, including gender-disaggregated demographic
o information and social and economic indicators of the project districts
o Qualitative and quantitative data collection in the target regions
o Data analysis and formulation of recommendations for project implementation on the basis of findings An evaluation report that does not exceed 15 pages and should include an executive summary, main findings and recommendations. All information, products and outputs must be complete and useful to be considered in project implementation by 31st January 2022.

3. Methodical approach
The methodical approach is the responsibility of the consultant. However, a participatory approach is mandatory. All relevant programme actors should be involved as much as possible into the process to ensure right from the beginning ownership and participation.

4. Profile of the appraisal team
The consultant (team) should fulfil the following criteria:
• Advanced degree or equivalent experience in gender transformative programming and/or relevant academic field.
• Profound experience in conducting baseline studies and gender analysis related to Gender Equality, Menstrual Health and Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights.
• Clear, effective writer in English
• Experience of working with participatory methodologies


Applications shall be received until 23rd December 2021. Upload your application online on the eTender Portal under tender ID: RFT 286235 – UGA 1102/Kla 002/2021: Follow the link below:
Only the successful applicant will be contacted until 5th January 2022 and should be available for a meeting in the Welthungerhilfe office in Kampala (Muyenga) on 7th January 2022.

When preparing the budget, the following should be considered:
• Soft and hard copies of relevant documents will be provided by WHH
• Stationaries will be provided by WHH
• WHH or partner staff will facilitate community entry where needed
• Laptops to be provided by the consultant

Please upload your proposal on the eTender Portal as one PDF file containing a one pager cover letter, your CV(s) and a description of your proposed work approach in PDF format (which must include: the methodology, proposed schedule, technical and financial proposals). Follow the link below to accept and submit response.
Applicant should attach legal operation documents, submit signed and stamped proposal. (For individual applicants, a National ID should be attached.

Hard copies and email submissions will not be considered. Please upload your offer online. Only shortlisted Consultants will be contacted.

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