Learning & Knowledge Management Specialist at Agricultural Business Initiative Group
- Company: Agricultural Business Initiative Group
- Location: Uganda
- State: Kampala, UG
- Job type: Full-Time
- Job category: Administrative Jobs in Uganda
Job Description
The Agricultural Business Initiative Group is a social enterprise with the overall vision to contribute to ‘a competitive and sustainable agriculture and agribusiness sector in Uganda in support of equitable wealth creation in Uganda’. The aBi Group consists of two companies Limited by Guarantee; aBi Development and aBi Finance. The main focus of aBi Development is to increase agricultural production and value addition by extending matching grants and business development services (BDS) to agribusinesses, farmer organizations and intermediaries. The grants and BDS enhance planning and management, production and business infrastructure, and upstream and downstream market linkages of producers and agribusinesses. aBi Finance expands access to business finance for agricultural producers and agribusinesses by offering to Financial Institutions (Fls), financial incentives and infrastructure that make lending to the agricultural sector more attractive and less risky. Under the Financial Services Development (FSD) programme abi Finance provides matching grants to Fls to build institutional capacity for enhancing the provision of financial services and increase outreach in rural areas.
aBi wishes to recruit qualified personnel for the positions below. The full job descriptions for the positions can be found on the Future Options Consulting Ltd website: www.futureoptions.org .
Job details:
• The role of the Learning & Knowledge Management (LKM) Specialist is to ensure that the information gathered from aBi’s Research, MRM, and Learning activities is effectively analysed, synthesized and curated so that key decision-makers are able to utilise it effectively. This includes supporting senior managers in the development of learning frameworks’ (structured frameworks to clarify each team’s learning agenda, potential sources of information and the strategies that will be used for collection). In addition, s/he will work to translate the information that is collected into ‘knowledge assets’ (e.g. reports, infographics, SOPs, guidebooks, training resources, communication tools); ensuring that these are useful, relevant and easily accessible for the various audiences in the aBi community. The LKM Specialist will be expected to work with executive management, as well as project leads, to support the informed development of strategy, funding windows and project plans.
Method of Application
Please refer to the detailed job description and position requirements. Applicants should submit an application letter and a CV along with the contacts of three professional referees to:The Director, Future Options Consulting Ltd, 4th Floor, DTB Centre, Kampala Road, P.O. Box 34934, Kampala, Uganda
by email: [email protected]
You can also apply online on www.futureoptions.org Deadline for submissions is Friday 30th October 2020 at 5:00 pm. Please note that only successful candidates will be contacted.
Canvassing will lead to disqualification. Hardcopy applications will not be accepted.