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15 Jul 2020

Youth Engagement and Participation Portfolio Coordinator at GOAL Uganda

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Job Description

GOAL is seeking to hire a Youth Engagement and Participation Portfolio Coordinator YAW to join our Uganda team. This is an exciting opportunity for you to join an extremely dynamic International NGO and to apply your skills in youth sensitive engagement, CSO partner management and program Coordination. If you are familiar with partnership management, engagement of youth and other vulnerable groups (women, refugees and persons with disabilities), participatory programming and design in livelihoods and market systems context within Uganda and internationally, then this role is perfect for you!


About the Role

Youth Engagement and Participation Portfolio Coordinator is a position reporting directly to the Deputy Program Director and be part of a YAW- Markets for Youth program team.  The YEP Coordinator will coordinate with CSO partners to deliver robust strategies for mobilizing and engaging youth and other vulnerable groups within the agricultural market system, coordinate youth centered advocacy initiatives at district, regional and national level to enhance the youth voices in driving policy reforms within the agricultural sector and work adaptively to increase opportunities for youth communicate and share innovations in agribusiness. The YEP Coordinator will work collaboratively with the YAW program management team to ensure that 15,750 Rural young women and men collectively and collaboratively work together to increase their purchasing and influencing power in the agricultural market system. YEP Coordinator will also lead CSO partner processes to ensure all reports are submitted on time.

The key responsibilities of the role will be:-

  1. Programme Coordination and Direct Technical Support on Youth Engagement and participation
    1. Lead development of technical SOPs and guides for training and skilling youth in group formation, group dynamics, problem identification, youth-led research and advocacy and the use of online platforms to increase collaboration and sharing innovations within the agricultural market system
    2. Coordinate with portfolio coordinators to develop or leverage opportunities for improved small enterprises and business to showcase their positive experiences to other young people at district, reginal and national levels
    3. Build or leverage relationships between young people with incubators, accelerators, BDS providers, and other key market actors such as FIIs and PSAs
    4. Support groups of youth to network and collaborate with other young people across districts and regions to share information, business innovations/ideas and experiences using youth sensitive forums within the agricultural market system.
    5. Support groups of young women to individually or collectively pursue new or existing business ideas for improving business performance through co-design opportunities and showcasing success/failures.
    6. Monitor policy discussions and reforms within the agricultural market system to increase youth influence and participation on government programmes targeting agricultural market systems at district, regional and national levels
  1. Support CSO Implementing Partners for youth engagement & participation
    1. Support program partners to work adaptively by co-designing youth empowerment interventions that maximize their unique strengths and aligns with contextual realities across priority districts and regions in Uganda
    2. Train/mentor partner staff in delivering youth sensitive programming with emphasis on training, coaching and mentoring for young people within the agricultural market system in group formation, group dynamics, youth-led research and advocacy, and use of online opportunities to share innovations and best practices in agribusiness.
    3. Strengthen the capacity of local partners to facilitate youth participation in new/existing self-help groups for employment, engagement and participation in decision making within the agricultural market system
    4. Monitor CSO partner plans and budget spending to inform projections for programme activities
    5. Support partner capacity development plans to ensure partner compliance with organisational development priorities identified from partner organisational assessments (According to GOAL partnership development procedures)
    6. Organize partner coordination/learning and reflections sessions to leverage program learning and enrich intervention strategies across the priority districts
  2. Contribute to Program Quality Control, Learning and adaptive management
  3. Monitor program implementation to ensure adherence to the set Standard operating procedures (SOP’s), training manuals and curricular to guide youth engagement.
  4. Monitor implementation of program strategies and consistently review their effectiveness in achieving youth voice and empowerment in the priority districts.
  5. Work closely with GOAL Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning team to ensure that the programme has appropriate M&E plans and staff are adhering to them and reporting on a timely basis
  6. Work closely with partner staff to ensure technical quality of implementation through training and coaching and monitoring of implementation.
  7. Improving program intervention /co-design opportunities; Utilize evidence and data from MEAL team to guide reflection, learning and adaptation/ youth engagement strategies to attain efficiency and effectiveness within the agricultural market system
  8. Review partner narrative and financial reports and flag issues for discussion with partner teamsReporting and coordination
  9. Develop program information flow matrix and ensure that partners can upload and retrieve program data using a robust information sharing and storage products.
  10. Draft all quarterly reports and workplan updates for youth engagement and participation component
  11. Ensure regular updates of actors and stakeholders within the agricultural market system whose roles and actions have an effect on the participation of youth in the system (WDWW matrix)
  12. Ensure regular updates of issues emerging from program implementation issues log
  13. Organise monthly internal coordination meetings for youth engagement and participation component – using mechanisms as the CRFM to enhance feedback generation and response
  14. Organise quarterly and bi-annual coordination meetings for partners supporting youth engagement and participation component.


  1. Direct Supervision and Performance Management of Field Teams
    1. Manage all aspect of staff in line with GOAL policy – timesheets, objective setting, performance reviews
    2. Liaise closely with Portfolio Coordinators, Market Systems specialists and with MEL staff to ensure work quality oversight and team integration
    3. Build a strong team and consortium, leveraging unique strengths of all team members


To be successful in this role, you will need:

  • Degree or post-graduate qualification ideally with a specialization in social sciences development, business, program management
  • At least five (5) years’ work experience in participatory programming for youth and other vulnerable groups youth with advocacy engagements that seek to give voice to vulnerable groups (young people, refugees, persons with disability)
  • Experience in policy analysis (especially agriculture, market systems, National & Local Governments budget cycle in Uganda)
  • Past experience in partnership management especially for CSOs and potentially private sector in Uganda
  • Facilitation of training & workshops, coaching and mentoring staff
  • Understands group dynamics for youth and other vulnerable groups within the agricultural market system in Uganda is an added advantage
  • Experience with projects funded by institutional donor (knowledge of rules and regulations)
  • A strong belief in the potential for young people influence positive change through participation
  • Agile in programme budgeting, planning, monitoring and management
  • Experience of market-based development programs is an advantage



Children and vulnerable adults who come into contact with GOAL as a result of our activities must be safeguarded to the maximum possible extent from deliberate or inadvertent actions and failings that place them at risk of abuse, sexual exploitation, injury and any other harm. One of the ways that GOAL shows this on-going commitment to safeguarding is to include rigorous background and reference checks in the selection process for all candidates.

Accountability within GOAL

Alongside our safeguarding policy, GOAL is an equal opportunities employer and has a set of integrity policies. Any candidate offered a job with GOAL will be expected to adhere to the following key areas of accountability:

  • Comply with GOAL’s policies and procedures with respect to safeguarding, code of conduct, health and safety, confidentiality, do no harm principles and unacceptable behaviour protocols.
  • Report any concerns about the welfare of a child or vulnerable adult or any wrongdoings within our Programmeming area.
  • Report any concerns about inappropriate behaviour of a GOAL staff or partner.


Established in 1977, GOAL is an international humanitarian agency, with a global team of 2,400 personnel, dedicated to alleviating the needs of the most vulnerable communities. Currently operating in 13 of the world’s most vulnerable countries, GOAL delivers a wide range of humanitarian and development Programmemes, ranging from humanitarian relief in disaster situations, to focusing on nutrition, food security, and building greater resilience and sustainable livelihoods.

General description of the country programme:

First operational in Uganda in 1979, the current GOAL Uganda country programme focuses on Health (including WASH, Health Accountability and Nutrition programing); and a market-based systems approach to improving agricultural livelihoods and WASH. GOAL Uganda mainstreams gender, child protection, social behaviour change and resilience strategies across all programming. GOAL works on a district focused approach and uses a mixture of direct implementation and partnerships with national and international civil society organizations, local government, the private sector and communities to give effect to our mission.


GOAL Uganda has a skilled team of approximately 100 personnel and manages an annual operating budget of approximately €8.7 million (2018). GOAL is currently operational in the North, South, East and West of Uganda with six established offices in Kampala, Lira, Bugiri, Abim, Kaabong and Agago Districts. GOAL Uganda country programme is funded by a number of donors who include Mastercard, charity: water, Irish Aid and some small foundations.

Details of remuneration package and benefits

Our package includes a competitive salary, health insurance cover for up to 3 dependents, comprehensive 24 hour personal accident cover, terminal benefits equivalent to one month for each completed year of service and our working hours provide for a half day on Fridays.  GOAL promotes a learning and development environment with training & study opportunities aligned to our staff development policy.

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Method of Application

Submit your CV and Application on Company Website : Click Here

Closing Date : 29 July, 2020


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